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Roe deer

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Despite the fact that roe deer are the most abundant group of deer in Europe, their meat is still somewhat of a mystery. Customers are much more likely to go for portions of wild boar or deer. Meanwhile, roe deer is the most succulent and tender type of game. In every type of venison you will find a forest aroma. The meat of animals that live in the wild and feed naturally contains a lot of interesting flavor notes. But in the case of roe deer , the nourishment is of particular importance. Because the aftertaste of slightly sweet deer meat changes depending on the season and what the animal has been feeding on at the time. In summer, the aroma of roe deer  will be characterized by an herbal, delicate aftertaste. In spring and autumn, on the other hand, it is more spicy or nutty.

219.98 zł
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  • Origin: Poland
The leg of roe deer from Polish game is just perfect for roasting. Delicate and full of flavor meat will make your guests delighted with it. The venison offered in our store comes exclusively from animals from Polish...
99.33 zł
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  • Origin: Poland
Roe deer stew is a fantastic meat, the taste of which captures the best of the Polish forests. Roe deer is considered the most tender of all game meats. In addition, it is characterized by a delicately sweet taste. It...
8.40 zł
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Underrated taste of roe deer 

The unobvious flavor combined with the softness of the meat make it a very graceful meat to serve on a wide variety of occasions. Like all venison, roe deer  also has a low fat content. Despite this feature, it is very tender and juicy when prepared. It is also relatively easy to cook. It's a great idea to test your culinary skills and surprise your loved ones with an original taste at an everyday lunch, an important dinner, or even a barbecue. Polish venison is one of the best in Europe, and it's worth exploring this healthy and tasty meat in various guises.

Health benefits of roe deer 

Venison is a source of vitamins, especially B vitamins, and micronutrients such as phosphorus and magnesium. In addition, each serving contains easily digestible protein.  

How to prepare roe deer meat

Meat coming from young specimens does not even need to be marinated. Pieces from adult specimens are better cured beforehand to ensure that the dish prepared from them will be tender and soft. Roe deer can be prepared in many ways. It will perform excellently with a simple herb marinade, for example, rubbed with marjoram, salt and pepper. Forest fruits, mushrooms and even wine will enhance its flavor. Depending on the type of piece you buy, you can prepare: stew, pate, steaks or bake a portion whole and serve as a roast. 

Recipes can be found on our blog.



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