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Original beef from USA

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In our store, you'll find a wide range of products made from legendary USA beef. We recommend both steaks and burgers, as well as various beef cuts from this meat. Original American beef is known for its excellent taste and quality, appreciated by connoisseurs worldwide. It is backed by years of rancher experience in breeding cattle for culinary beef. This is a tradition of over 200 years, which has created an entire culture of preparing beef for grilling and BBQ techniques. Americans have perfected their beef to perfection so that today you can order a genuine American steak and enjoy its rich taste and aroma.

Flat iron steak Black Angus USA Flat iron steak Black Angus USA
87.68 zł 92.30 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Flat Iron Black Angus USA is a true discovery at an affordable price relative to the epic quality. Flat Iron steak can safely be called the best cut of beef for grilling, in fact, it can be considered the best cut of...
110.36 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA PRIME
New York steak Black Angus USA USDA PRIME features unparalleled flavor, tenderness and juiciness. It is a steak for the most discerning beef connoisseurs. PRIME is the top shelf in the US beef quality grading system....
32.66 zł
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Angus beef burger USA under one of the most famous brands in Europe The Frozen Butcher is a guarantee of quality and taste. The composition of the burger is exclusively beef from the Angus breed of cattle. Bred in the...
149.00 zł
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Black Angus USA tenderloin steak is an exclusive, incredibly marbled and tender cut of meat. When prepared, it is buttery and melts in the mouth. If you are planning a special dinner it will be perfect. The highest...
100.07 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Incredibly marbled New York steak Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE is a true delicacy straight from the American prairies. It features an intensely meaty flavor thanks to traditional grass fed breeding and grain fed...
62.48 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Teres Major steak USA Black Angus, also known by the names Petite Tender or Chuck tender is a small muscle cut from the beef shoulder. Not only does it look like a small tenderloin. It is also tender and juicy like a...
185.22 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Beef short ribs Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE are very marbled and full of flavor. American "short ribs" will be truly outstanding if you prepare them using the BBQ technique in a smoker, on the grill or in your home...
147.21 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA PRIME
The USDA PRIME grade American ribeye steak is literally a delight for the palate. When it comes to American beef, this fantastic steak is definitely at the top of the podium. This steak is the showpiece of our store....
Tri tip steak Black Angus USA Tri tip steak Black Angus USA
87.28 zł 91.88 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Tri tip steak Black Angus USA is also known as "The Newport" or "Santa Maria" and is very popular in California and South America. It is cut by our butchers from the rump muscle which gives it plenty of meaty flavor....
114.66 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
If you're in the mood for a unique culinary experience, choose USDA CHOICE grade USA Black Angus ribeye steak. Top quality meat, tenderness and incredible juiciness guaranteed. This is due to the special process of...
Hanger steak Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE Hanger steak Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE
444.39 zł 467.78 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Hanger steak Black Angus USA is called butcher steak because over the years it has always been taken by butchers who know how valuable it is. This muscle is relatively scarce in the carcass. It is not too large and,...
Strip steak bone in Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE Strip steak bone in Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE
165.85 zł 184.28 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Strip steak bone in Black Angus USA USDA CHOICE is cut by our skilled butchers from the shortloin element closest to the neck. Before cutting, it is aged on the bone for a minimum of 40 days to give the meat even more...
268.07 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Flank Steak Black Angus USA Creekstone Farms is a brilliant cut of beef perfect for the grill. Intense in flavor and extremely tender at the same time. The beautiful processing and quality is guaranteed by the...
143.22 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Porterhouse can go by many names. Bistecca alla Fiorentina, date steak, steak for two and many others. Whatever you call it, the steak we offer is simply absolutely spectacular. American Porterhouse Black Angus steak...

Breeding Tradition Passed Down Through Generations

90% of cattle in the USA come from family-owned, traditional farms. They are raised in harmony with nature on vast pastures and prairies that form the natural landscape of the USA (these pastures ensure that areas inhabited by numerous native species of plants and animals are not displaced by industrialization or agricultural monoculture).

Most herds in the central, lowland states of the USA, such as Nebraska, are based on the Black Angus and Hereford breeds. It is from these areas that we source our products because we know that these breeds guarantee the highest culinary quality of meat. We can confidently say that we offer beef from genuine Black Angus.

American Beef Quality Classification

Cattle in the USA are grazed for about 24 months, and then spend 120 days in so-called feedlots, where they are fed sweet corn. This diet ensures that the meat acquires the legendary marbling (intramuscular fat overlays that add flavor, tenderness, and juiciness). In the United States, USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) officials stationed in meat plants inspect each carcass and assign the appropriate quality grade. The highest quality beef, characterized by the greatest marbling, is classified as USDA PRIME (only about 5% of production). The next grade is USDA CHOICE (divided into upper and lower, accounting for 40% of production). Lower quality grades such as SELECT, STANDARD, COMMERCIAL, and UTILITY are not exported to the European Union. In our market, we have only super premium (PRIME) and premium (CHOICE) American beef. Meat shipped to the EU is produced in dedicated plants, in a special hormone-free NHTC program, and in accordance with strict regulations imposed by the Union. American beef owes its exceptional tenderness also to the long period of meat maturation (min. 4-5 weeks before it reaches consumers).

Perfect Flavor of USDA PRIME Beef

The USDA PRIME quality beef we offer, the highest in the American classification scale, will provide you with incredible culinary experiences. It is carefully selected for quality and exceptional marbling of the meat. In the entire production of beef in the USA, it constitutes only about 3%. If you want to learn more about why your steak will give you an unforgettable culinary experience, read on in our description below about the USDA classification system.

If this is your first experience with USDA PRIME meat, "buckle up". You will certainly remember this fantastic culinary sensation for a long time. If you later start wondering why not every sirloin steak, roast beef, or tenderloin you've eaten before had such a wonderful taste, read our brief article on the beef quality classification system, particularly about the USDA PRIME quality class.

Broadly speaking, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) classifies all production based on the level of meat marbling and maturity (estimated age) of the animal at the time of slaughter. The three highest USDA quality grades are, in descending order, USDA PRIME, USDA CHOICE, and USDA SELECT.

The classification system for each beef carcass in the USA has been in effect since 1927. Since then, labeling with an appropriate quality level on the label has guaranteed consumers that they are buying a product of a specified quality level from super premium USDA PRIME, through very high quality for special occasions USDA CHOICE, to good everyday quality USDA SELECT.

Initially, the classification system was developed as a marketing tool in the fight against the agricultural market recession. Producers wanted customers to appreciate higher quality meat with more marbling from better breeds.

USDA beef classification is primarily an assessment of the level of marbling. The greater the marbling of the sirloin evaluated in the cross-section of this muscle, the higher the quality grade of the piece.

In total, there are eight quality grades in the American system. In every facility producing beef in the USA, delegated officials of the agriculture department (highly qualified "graders") are tasked with assessing and classifying each piece. Therefore, it is not the role of the meat plant to label its products with a quality level, but rather the task of a government agency. This guarantees objectivity of assessment and consistency in a given quality class.

USDA PRIME beef is produced from young cattle, most often young steers (i.e., castrated bulls), in which we observe a very high level of marbling (from 8 to 13 percent intramuscular fat). The age of the cattle ranges between 9 and 32 months. At the end of the breeding process, the cattle are fed a high-energy grain-based diet, mainly based on corn (grain fed). This diet causes even nicer growths and even greater marbling of the meat. Cattle raised solely on a diet of grasses available in pastures, so-called grass-fed, do not achieve such marbled meat, but it can also be excellent and full of flavor.

As we mentioned,USDA PRIME only makes up about 3% of the entire production. It is excellent for cooking at home, whether on a griddle or your own grill. Its flavor is so superb that it doesn’t need marinating. Just salt and pepper are enough, and it will be delicious. Cooking a steak will take just a few minutes. Such beef should not be overcooked to maintain its wonderful meaty flavor and juiciness. However, even if cooked to a higher degree, it will still be very tender and soft. Tenderloin of this grade can also be successfully used for tartare, but it's also great for beef sushi.

In our store, we offer the classics of grill mastery, like sirloin steak, roast beef, and beef tenderloin either as a whole or in steaks. These are the most tender and delicate parts of the carcass. This meat is foolproof. Even if someone has absolutely no skills in grilling beef, they would have to try very hard to cook it poorly. This level of meat quality guarantees culinary success and dining satisfaction. So don’t wait any longer. Order now 😊.

USDA CHOICE Quality Class in Its Own Right

The USDA CHOICE class is the second highest quality grade of American meat after USDA PRIME. It features slightly less marbling than PRIME. However, it is also a Mercedes among world beef.

USDA Choice beef guarantees exceptional flavor qualities. The characteristic marbling found in steaks melts under high temperatures, making each piece tender, juicy, and flavorful. In burgers, the fat additionally binds the meat, which retains its shape despite being flipped multiple times on the grill.



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