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Tomahawk steak

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Tomahawk steak is a BBQ classic at the highest level. Its appearance alone commands respect. It is large, has a characteristic long rib bone, to which it owes its name and unforgettable taste. Its preparation is a bit of a challenge, but it is one of the grillmasters' favourites. It is perfect for frying and grilling. Every connoisseur should try it, especially if it is the quality of black angus or wagyu beef, such as offered in our store. Be prepared for 35 to 40 minutes of grilling for this steak. It is worth using a meat thermometer in this case.

290.12 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: Australia
  • Quality assurance: MSA 4
If you want to impress your friends, co-workers, loved one or just answer your primal instinct.... Tomahawk steak made from Australian marbled beef will be an excellent choice. Its unique size and shape attracts...
515.45 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: Australia
  • Quality assurance: Wagyu MSA 5
Tomahawk Wagyu steak from MSA 5 grade Australian beef is pure excellence of flavor without compromise. The exceptional deliciousness of the meat here is defined by the intense marbling of this steak. Such a rich grid...
Tomahawk young heifer premium marbling Tomahawk young heifer premium marbling
181.13 zł 196.88 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: Poland
A Tomahawk steak from a young heifer, selected for premium marbling, is the epitome of the grill king. It's not an 'easy piece of cake.' It requires respect. If you don't have the time to discover the grilling...
767.45 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: Australia
  • Quality assurance: Wagyu MSA 6+
Tomahawk steak Wagyu Australian beef gade MSA 6+ is an amazingly marbled piece of meat attached to a long, exposed rib bone. The delicious intramuscular fat unleashes plenty of flavor when grilled. The sweetly buttery...
320.78 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: USA
  • Quality assurance: USDA CHOICE
Satisfy your meat cravings with an epic Tomahawk Black Angus USA steak. Cut from the ribeye with a long, very massive rib bone. It will make a real feast for several people. Tomahawk is the perfect choice for a...
197.09 zł
Item weight
  • Origin: Poland
Tomahawk from Polish beef aged for 21 days is the perfect cut of meat for an everyday barbecue. With its full flavor and attractive price, it will satisfy any steak-eater. The perfect price/quality ratio. It is nicely...
1,715.91 zł
Item weight
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  • Origin: Australia
  • Quality assurance: MSA 9+
Wagyu beef tomahawk in the highest grade on the Australian MSA 9+ beef quality grading scale is a true flavor emperor in our tomahawk range. Its flavor, juiciness and tenderness cannot be described in words. This...

Like an Indian axe

Tomahawk steak is loved all over the world. It is made with beef that comes from the front part of the dorsal muscle, located on both sides of the spine and on the outside of the ribs. So it is a ribeye with a long bone, but the American name successfully displaces the Polish nomenclature. The bone that is its hallmark is a whole beef rib.

True, the finished dish looks spectacular and resembles the weapons used by the Indians. But at first, leaving the protruding element was not for visual reasons but for practical reasons. The ribs were used to flip portions placed on the grill or fire. Which significantly shortened the processing process and allowed to cook each piece evenly. And this is not so easy in the case of a tomahawk.

A steak with a unique taste

Proper preparation of almost a kilogram piece of meat with unusual dimensions is a challenge for many barbecue lovers. Not only because of the skills, but above all the size of the device needed to prepare it. A tourist grill will certainly be too small, just like a regular frying pan. Even just for this steak, it is worth investing in a decent grill. The unique, unforgettable taste will make us fully satisfied with the return on this investment.

The bone and fat contained in the meat compose a perfect symphony of flavors and aromas. It's a big piece of meat. Its preparation has something atavistic, primal about it. Even a few people (the whole mini-tribe) can eat one steak.

What to serve it with

Ideally, the taste of the finished meat will be emphasized by salt and pepper. It is so perfect that no fancy marinades are needed for anything. Alternatively, you can serve it with garlic butter.

If you decide to serve ribeye steak to your guests, make sure it plays the main role. Put any extras, such as sauces or salads, next to it.

Like any beef, also tomahawk steak feels great in the company of grilled vegetables, e.g. corn, expressive arugula or pickled peppers. A heated grill can be used to prepare both meat and side dishes. Don't forget the bbq sauce.



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